Love is ALL-encompassing, and leaves no one out. Love does not discriminate or differentiate, and it is always complete. It is static, yet fluid at the same time. It is everywhere and never absent. It is there for the asking and the taking, yet is best when given. It is a verb and a noun, and you can give it away and even give it to yourself (highly recommended). But we pick and choose... why?
We show favor to one family member, while we backbite and gossip about another. We condemn one group of people trying to survive over another. We close our minds and hearts to someone who doesn't look like us or think like us, and the whole time we are claiming love for the one we chose. It is incomplete. Get out of the way.
Do I accomplish LOVE all the time? No. I understand that I'm in its way sometimes. When are you in the way? When are you blocking it or preventing it for someone else? I also understand that if I purposely block it for someone else, that I'm blocking channels somewhere for myself as well. Be careful about the love you profess for someone, something, or a group. If your "love" is a clever disguise as hate or discord, you may fool some people, but you will not fool LOVE. If you are clouding someone else with discord, realize that you are doing it to yourself as well. Do yourself a favor and get out of the way.
I am a work in progress, and continually working on this. I know a few people that I think are so good at showing and being LOVE all the time, and when they aren't, they are able to quickly redirect. That is the side I want to be on and keep practicing. I hope that is the side you will choose. Think about it. Whose side are you on?
Debora Lynn